Monday, January 11, 2010

The weekend or days 8-10

Well this weekend has been quite an interesting one if I do say myself. Friday was a typical work day except for the fact that I got to work with one of my dear dear friends who I have not seen since her wedding. It was a busy night we were here til 3am. Got my friend to have a beer with me only on the condition I did not cheat that night. So I stood by my word and did not smoke that entire day. Yay for me. I found my weakness when it comes to smoking which is not being able to drink with anyone. That is totally how my friends should be with me. We had three bands at the deli and all were good and entertaining. Got to catch up with my brother and his family. All in all it was a good day. I was very proud of myself that day.
Saturday was a long and boring day. I totally forgot to bring my laptop to the deli so I just sat and played with the iPhone. That can only entertain for a little time. Took some quizzes and found out my country I should belong to is Japan, my mushy movie is Pretty woman, and I should date Jennifer Aniston. Yay me. Oh and then I got some late patrons that kept me here until 1130. But then the fun begins. Went to my favorite hangout and got sloshed and smoked a bunch probably close to 8. I am trying which is all I can say for myself. So it was beer, shots, cigarettes oh my and then I had to get a ride home. So one of the good reasons I go to this bar is the fact that I am good friends with the bartenders and can always get a ride home. This particular night I made it all then way to the driveway and then got out and started to throw up profusely. That was fun and then I somehow got up the three flights of stairs to my apt and fell asleep on my couch. Good night to me.
Sunday was a rough morning. Got to sleep til 1pm and got some shorts on and began to watch my new plasma tv and have a very relaxing afternoon until the dreaded phone call. My sister decides to call me and force me to run oh how much I hated that. Well it does help out in the fact that I have only 4 months before I have to be ready for my 1/2 marathon. It was a rough run but I survived with little soreness. Got to have wine and Stromboli at my friends house while watching a movie. Then came home with the intention of going out with some other friends to a club but ended up passing out. The end of the first weekend of the blog.

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