Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Weekend- Days 15-17

Well my Friday was nothing really big. Got to work and worked til 230am. My friend and I bartended together and we did alright. Small group of people but spenders. Smoked one cigarette which brought my tally to 4. I know I have only 20 so I am slowly conserving my pack which I do not have. It totally sucks for my friends becaus I bum cigarettes from all of them. I do not want to buy a pack because I would smoke the whole thing.
Saturday was a very long day. Did not leave the Deli until 330am the night before because of a certain person would not stop talking. So with barely any sleep I made it to work for my long double. The morning was very slow began to fall asleep at the bar but once the DJ's got there for our dance party Saturday it began to pick up. We ended up having a busy night. I worked my butt off and rewarded myself with 3 cigarettes. I know that it does not sound like a good reward but to me it sounded good. Ended up at the bar til 6am to find out that I could not drive home so I crashed there in the office until 11am. Went home after that.
Sunday was me sleeping, going to my friends for dinner and coming home and watching my shows. I was up til about 6am that night too. But I did not have anything to drink or smoke. Yay me. I usually drink wine with my friends but they partied a little too hard on Sat and were still hung over. We could only watch 1 of the 2 hours of 24. One of my favorite shows. The reason I was up so late sunday was because I had a lot to watch. That was the weekend. A little boring I know but they should pep up soon. LOL

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