Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 12

Tuesday on the most part was pretty relaxing. Have not smoked in two days I was feeling pretty good for myself until the bar. It was a hard night in my defense. I spent the morning relaxing and watching the tube until I had to be at work at 5. Seeing how I worked all day yesterday my morning was off. I was so relaxed and ready to work. We actually had a very successful open mic night and I got a big pop before it started. NO CIGARETTES at this point. Then I close up and go see a couple of my friends at the Lounge and then it was downhill from then on. One of my friends was having a bad day and started smoking in front of me. Little side story about that is she does not smoke and always complained that we smoked so sitting by her I thought I was safe. What do they put in these sticks that takes over my mind and makes me need them so much. Do I really need them? Well I ended up smoking one cigarette there and needed more. So other people were having people over and I knew I could get some cigs that way. So I went. Got in a major political debate and got killed on the new Mario Bros for the Wii. Oh yeah I also smoked 5 cigarettes. Shoot me now. But finally went home made myself some leftover meatloaf and mashed potatoes and passed out. On to another day.

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