Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 20

This particular Wednessday I had two birthdays and work to go to. I did my best at getting to work this morning but it was rough. John you need to get more sleep. You are only hurting yourself. Well I got through the day and went home for a little nap and then off two my commitments for the night. Well I slept so hard that I did not get up until 930 it was bad missed everything and on top of that I was not feeling getting up. So what do I do I throw on sweats and go to Arby's and then Redbox. Yeah I ate fatty food and rented three movies and came home for a full night on my ass. I slept off and on and watched movies. I liked all three movies. The first one I watched was Night at the Museum, the one in the Smithsonian, which was a fair movie that kept me interested. When got that one done I popped in THE HURT LOCKER, which was so good. During this one we get a hail storm that completely covered the street and half the electricity in my house went out. Well to fix that problem I had to get the headlight and a flashlight and go to the basement. This place is something out of an old fashion horror movie. When I say old fashion I mean in the eighties, lol. Well I conquered my fears and got it done. So proud of myself. Then it was off to District 9 which actually made me tear up. Then it was off to bed. So if you are paying attention I did not smoke today. BABY BABY BABY BABY STEPS.

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